“Life Rolls On” is a non-profit organization that helps give people that are paraplegic a chance to try surfing or skating. They have an event that travels to different areas to do so, called “They will Surf Again.” This amazing opportunity was brought to Port Aransas on June 10th, 2017. It brought people of all ages out to the beach, and gave them a unique experience to learn how to surf despite the challenges they have dealt with in their lives.
“Life Rolls On” was founded by champion surfer Jesse Billauer, whom a month before he turned pro, had a horrible accident while surfing that left him quadriplegic. It was from this moment that Jesse knew he didn’t want to give up his dream as a professional surfer, but find a way to make it possible to skate and surf for not only himself but others who do not have the means to do so.
The event was held at Horace Caldwell Pier. Everyone was encouraged to enjoy the beach and surf. They also got to witness the inspirational people who went out to learn how to surf and see them overcome so much with smiles on their faces.
If you would like more information about the event for the future, please visit http://liferollson.org/texas